Dark Side of Cuck
The title may be a bit misleading. I'm not getting into the dangers and pitfalls of cuck, rather a different take on race and cuck. After almost 15 years as a bull, there is not much I haven't done (that I'm willing to do). Yet one of those rare things recently happened. I was approached by married couple, both black and both interested in cuck. What began as mere conversation developed into my first sexual encounter with a black woman. I've been more than open to the idea as I've had Asian and Indian women in the past, I've just never had the opportunity to serve as a bull for black couple. There were no size or performance issues to deal with. She simply was hypersexual and needed more. This couple was great and they were simply seeking a good bull to meet there needs. Skin color did not factor into their decision. I've mentioned in the past I find it odd people will limit themselves to a certain age range or ethnic background. It's disturbing how muc...