American Cuckold

When it comes to cuckold, Americans seem to be much more interested than others. The reasons behind this may be surprising. Sharing your partner in Europe isn't really considered all that taboo, but w hatever is considered taboo in a person's particular culture is more likely to turn them on. When it comes to cuckolding, it flies in the face of the male-centered and monogamous American cultural norms. So, a man sexually sharing his wife with another man through cuckolding often comes with a negative connotation in the US. For some, that forbidden feeling can be a major turn-on, and actually increase popularity. Even the term "cuck" has historically been used to mock men whose wives are unfaithful. And yet the term is slowly being reimagined as a descriptor of just another form of sexual expression. Meanwhile, “cuckold” has become a top search term for many porn sites. It seems as though, whether in fantasy or reality, many men like the idea of another man with thei...