Finding Your Bull

If you have both decided you are ready for the real deal and it's time to take the leap, one of the biggest challenges is find a good bull.

There is no shortage of guys willing to have sex with a married woman, but an experienced bull who understands the psychological side of cuck and how to guide a couple is not easy to find. Beware many will say they know what they are doing, but very few actually do.

I always suggest a couple make a list of what they seeking in a bull. What are needs and what are wants. Be realistic. If you want a model perfect body with a 10 inch cock you may be setting the bar too high. It's just as important to know what you won't settle on. For instance, I don't suggest a couple ever consider a married bull or someone who has a risky lifestyle. 

Keep in mind if you rush into things and settler for someone who is "good enough" an poor experience can have a negative impact and my prevent one or both of you from want to continue. 

The good news is you have lots of tools to connect and screen potential bulls long before you are ever face to face. Between websites, personal ads and forums you can begin your search safely and at your own pace.

A quick word on Cuckold sites. You will find there are sites that focus on sharing explicit content. Photos, videos, stories. Other sites are more for connecting with others. I suggest exploring both together to determine what yo do and do not like keeping in mind that reality is often different from what you may discover online.

Always be cautious. I suggest setting up a separate and private email to correspond with anyone you meet online. There are wannabes, scammers and pic collectors. 

Don't rush things. You should be talking to your potential bull of awhile before you ever decide to meet. Anyone real is going to invest the time to get to know both of you. A bull should be asking about your desires, limits, concerns, boundaries. He should not be asking for identifying information about where you live or work beyond very general terms.

I have spoken with some couples for over a year before we ever moved forward. If you sense all they are interested in is how quickly they can have sex with you that should be a warning sign. 

I suggest first meetings be in a public place. A first meeting does not have to end in sex. Let the anticipation build for all. Your first experience is not your only. There is trial and error in every connection. Invest your time and develop what makes sense for you. 


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