From the Mailbag: Advice for Bulls

 Q: I'm pretty new to all this. I have read the advice you give to couples but wondered if you have any advice for bulls?

Thanks for the question. I have plenty of advice, but I stress each couples needs and desires are different so there are no single answers, but I can give some general insight.

First is understand even though a bull controls the encounter, his sexual desires are not the priority. Most couples look to a bull to re-spark their sexual desires. That should be your mission. They will have fantasies and things they want to explore that you are bound to enjoy, but you need to be able to make them comfortable enough to express those things to you. Build trust and never betray that trust. 

Do not develop feelings. That does not mean don't care or be cold, but it is the duty of any honorable bull to protect and respect the marriage bond. A couple invites a bull into their sex life. He is not there to replace or take on the role of the husband. You are part of their sex life. You are not part of their marriage.

Never betray your own boundaries and limits. If it has the potential to harm anyone do not do it.

Understand that most couples will outgrow their bull in time. Do not take it personal.

Lastly do not combine your cuck lifestyle with your other personal relationships. You should not betray your own significant other in order to be a bull. Make your choice.

I could probably write a millions things on the subject and still not be done. Hopefully that's helpful.


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