I'm not supposed to want this

I was talking to a guy who has been married for over 20 years. He has had the idea of cuck in his head but said to me "I'm not supposed to want this".

No one really decides something like that. It's all based on how we perceive others reactions. What I hear often is over time couples crave that feeling they used to have. I'm not talking emotional feeling toward a spouse, but that sexual excitement when you first met. How incredible sex was in the beginning and how you could not wait for the next time. Life has a way of dulling that. Jobs, kids, distractions. How does a couple shake that and get back to that original excitement toward each other. Sure you can go through therapy or something, but most only seek a Doctor when something is wrong. Nothing is really wrong. It's just not as right as it could be.

The role of a genuine bull is get the couple back on track. To be the catalyst that rekindles those connections that have been dulled over time. That's done not just by having sex, but in multiple ways enticing all the senses.

Visual. It can be erotic messages from the bull or discreet photos taken. Proactive dress to meet a bull. Watching your spouse climax or masterbate in front of you. It  can even be the metal recall of past encounters. 

Verbal. Talking about experiences. Sharing details and feelings about encounters. Discussing ideas for exploration and fantasies that could happen with the addition of your bull. Sharing those deep desires together without judging, Not everything discuss has to happen so be very open even when it comes to taboo subjects.

Smell. What perfume does she wear with her bull? Can you smell his scent on her skin? How does your body react to the smell of sex in the room or on your spouse? Candles, incense, even a glass of wine all add to heightened senses. 

Taste. Kissing your spouse or going down on her after sex with her bull brings on a new dimension. Kissing your husband after your bull does the same. The body physically and biologically changes to sexual stimulants so both will react.

Touch. Simply touching your spouse will be more electric. The response to touch will be more intense. Her skin may feel warmer and her response to your touch more aroused. 

We are supposed to want a great sex life, better communication, trust and deeper desires with our spouse. It's really how we choose to view things. If your sex life is private, then no one outside should dictate what should or should not want with your spouse. 


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