
I've debated starting this blog, but I find many people have questions and there is more false information out there than accurate and helpful info. So here it is.

As for me, I'm an genuine experienced bull. That means I have done the things I speak of and share from my personal views and experience. If you are just beginning to look into cuck, forget what you see in porn and most things online. Most of it comes from people who don't have a clue. It's fine for fantasy, but reality is very different. 

The term "bull" is often misunderstood. For me it simply means a man who leads a couple in sexual exploration. It's not a threesome, swinging, cheating or some guy on a power trip that likes to fuck someone's wife. I don't get into humiliation, or excessive dominance. My goal is to enhance the sex life of the couple and allow them to explore things in a way that would not be possible one on one. The term bull can be used in a general way to refer to any male involved with a couple regardless of his specific role.

I do not interfere with the marriage bond or emotional connection of couples. I'm not there to take a guys wife. I'm there to bring what is missing and often part of the journey is discovering exactly what that is.

I assume if you are reading this the idea of sharing your spouse has at least crossed your mind. Rest assured while many don't talk about it, the thought and fantasy is very common. However, the real deal is not for everyone. In fact I suggest most people never cross the line from fantasy to reality. The reason is a whole flood of emotions comes with the experience. If you do not have a good bull to guide you or you are not prepared, feelings of confusion, jealousy, even anger can occur. It's not easy to put aside ego, fully trust your partner and bring in a person into your sex life you trust. 

When done the right way for the right reasons, cuck can be wonderful for your relationship and sex life. Yet it is not to be rushed and never take the step until you both are sure you are ready. For many they never go beyond fantasy and that's fine. Even the fantasy in your mind can be exciting.  

I'm often asked how I got into all this. Years ago during a walk in the woods of a park I came upon a couple having sex. I heard them first and quietly walked to where they were. He had her on top of a picnic table. They did not see me at first and I should have left, but I wanted to see more. They eventually discovered I was there and the guy waved me closer. I never touched either of them but stood there just a few feet away as they finished. That replayed over and over in my mind and it gave me the first clue of how powerful watching could be.

I eventually got into my first MFM threesome and with each new experience learned more about the dynamics of how it all works. That lead me into cuck over time and I love being a part of a great couple. I've made plenty of mistakes and the biggest lesson I have learned is how cuck is more psychological than it is physical and sexual. 

That's the super short answer but it hopefully gives you and idea of where I started my journey as a bull over 15 years ago.

I would love to hear your questions, comments and what you would like to see addressed here in future posts. Feel free to comment here or email me


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