It's Humiliating

There are some bulls (and couples) who enjoy humiliation. It may be the size of the husbands cock or his inability to satisfy his wife that is made fun of. I personally do not engage in that. Most couples are not seeking that type of situation and I find the risk of genuinely hurting a relationship too great for me. Plus it's really not in my nature to gain pleasure at someone's expense.

Now that's not to say that submission and humbling acts are harmful. There is an unavoidable hierarchy that must take place in cuck. The bull has to be in a controlling position to guide the couple. The wife must submit to allow the bull to take her in front of her husband and the husband must submit and willingly give his wife over to the bull. None of this is done to hurt or humiliate. It's done to heighten pleasures and to recast the typical roles of the couple often dictated by societyEven if in everyday life the husband is an Alpha male and dominant, all that should be put aside with the bull. Same with wife. To enjoy cuck to the fullest, you have to abandon your usual roles and allow your bull to take the reins. 

Often sex becomes stale because the dominate husband without realizing it takes more sexual pleasure that he gives. The submissive wife not wanting to hurt the ego of her husband let's him believe she is satisfied. Over time both settle into their roles and their sex life declines. The internal conflict begins between ego and reality. If left unaddressed, it can lead to infidelity, less sex, impacted communication and other issues.

Let me address the guys reading this. I fully understand how hard it is to put your ego aside. We are taught to be manly men and any man around your woman is to be considered a threat. Most of the guys who teach you this are miserable, divorced or both. Any man who can place the needs of his wife above those of his ego and please her in new and exciting ways that some may consider outside the norm is as strong as they come. Often guys are worried about being considered less by their wife and what happens is the opposite. They respect them and are attracted to their willingness to please. They only way a person becomes an alpha male is if someone gives them that role as a boss or leader. It's perfectly fine to give a bull that role at times and take it back outside the bedroom. 

Cuck should not be humiliating unless that is what is desired and a turn on for both. It should be a exhilarating and freeing exploration of new sexual pleasure with your spouse. I often say 90% of cuck is mental. It not just sex. It's how you view things, how you view yourself and spouse and what you do and do not allow into your thoughts and feelings. Once you begin to understand that, you discover a whole new world with your spouse. 


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