From the Mailbag: What if she says no?

 Q: I have loved reading your blog. I have had the fantasy of cuck for a long time and had the conversation with my wife. While she indulges me when we talk about it, she has no interest in it really happening. Is there a way to convince her or seduce her? 

No. That's the short answer. If someone has no interest in pursuing or experiencing something sexual, then respect that. No one should ever feel pressured or forced into doing something they are not comfortable doing. It is not the job of your spouse to meet every sexual desire you have.

That's hard for some to hear. Enjoy where the two of you are. If it's just pillow talk, then enjoy those moments. Let me also address the issue of "seduction". I've been asked a few times to seduce an unsuspecting woman. Maybe buy her drinks, use my charm and finally get her to surrender. Dream on. That never happens. I would not take advantage of anyone intoxicated and the power to magically seduce is not anything real. Some people aren't and will never be ready for the real thing and that's perfectly fine. 


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