The After Effect

At times I'm asked how a couples feel after there first encounter with me. I think it's important to connect right after every session with a bull, but to get a true answer, it has to come from the couple. Keep in mind with 3 people involved, you get 3 perspectives. 

I asked a cuck husband to give some insight:

"I was very nervous going into it. We had been married for 30 years. Sex wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I knew deep down we needed something. I just wasn't sure what.
When we started chatting what came to mind was very arousing. I really wasn't expecting that. I was expecting to be turned of, disgusted by it all and walk away thinking in no way I wanted to do anything like that. The opposite happened. The more we discussed it, the more we both wanted it to happen. 
Watching it all happen the first time there were so many emotions. I was jealous, shocked and the most turned on as I have ever been, It's like it's not really happening, but it is. I say it was like being dropped in some erotic movie.
After, I felt like our sex life was like it was when we first met. We both we so turned on long after and what would go through my mind made me want her so much more."

I also asked a wife for her views:

"I was very nervous, felt like backing out at times. Lot of questions were in my mind, what if I can't deal with this ? Will my husband accept me after? I was afraid to even look at my husband at first. As soon as I was eased into it all I was in other world. I started enjoying every bit if it. I can't remember how many times I reached orgasm, but it had never been like that. After I cried, but my husband said it was wonderful and he was fully erect.  We made love and that let me know it was all okay. Then we sat together and discussed it all. With the patience and guidance I quickly lost any nervousness and guilt."


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