Forced Orgasms

Sex often is one and done. Get you partner to cum and you have crossed the finish line. As a bull, that is never the case. My goal is to take things way past the everyday one and done and often one of the highlights for a couple with me is multiple orgasms in a session.

I do want to be careful with the word "forced". Nothing should ever be against one's will, however women who have not experienced intense multiple orgasms one of another may think they need to stop when that experience requires a bull to keep going. So understand what is meant by that word. The catch is that while these orgasms are dubbed "forced orgasms," nobody is actually forcing anyone else to orgasm. When someone is actually forced to perform a sex act against their will, that is sexual assault. That’s not what we’re talking about here

Forced orgasm usually entails (consensually) making a person orgasm over and over and over and over without a come-down period between each orgasm. The point of (consensual) forced orgasms is pleasure. But forced orgasms may not be pleasurable the entire time. Typically, forced orgasms start off as being pleasurable and as more orgasms occur, the body can become so sensitive that the orgasms become overstimulating. A woman may feel a loss of control or like she is about to pass out. It's important your bull or partner knows when to pause and when to proceed.

This type of sexual exploration can take many forms. It may include bondage, roleplay, edging, toys and other things. I always give the sub the power to halt things if needed. 

Allowing someone to force orgasms on you is giving up power to putting your sexual release into their hands. To some people, the extreme feeling of not being able to control yourself go is an excellent sensation. Sometimes the waves of constant, multiple orgasms are so exquisite they almost hurt in their intensity.

Besides enjoying these intense sensations, giving up control and having yourself pleasured to the point of raging, multiple orgasms often naturally fits with a wife's surrender to a bull for pure sexual pleasure. Husbands who witness this often see their spouse in a sexual state they have never seen before. 

As with anything be sure you discuss all this prior and if you do decide to try it enjoy the surrender. 


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