From the Mailbag: Should others know?

Q: We are pretty new to cuck but enjoying it. We have found a good bull using your advice and are wondering how private we should keep all this? Not that we want everyone to know, but how do we handle things in public like dating?

Others won't know details about what you’re doing as a couple even if they happen to catch a very small glimpse of it. Even being seen with a male in a public setting, the most that can be assumed is she’s being flirty. Even if she’s seen kissing her date that doesn’t prove anything beyond a kiss. The odds of someone you know being somewhere you socialize are incredibly small unless you’re foolish enough to socialize where you know family/friends hang out. 

When it comes to your sex life I say that's private and none of anyone's business unless you want it to be. Some will confide in a close friend their sexual adventures, but in general it should not be shared.

When it comes to public situations same thing. Figure out what you want to say if you run into someone so you are not caught off guard. Is your bull a friend, someone you know through work, even a friend of your husband? Or simply tell then it's none of their business 

I've been to gatherings as a friend with a couple. I've been on dates where we openly flirt with and without her husband there. It's really up to you to decide what you do and do not want known.


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