How Dare You: The Dangers of Cuck

While the majority of people find the information here helpful and of value, that's not true for all. I recieved a message from someone who had a bit of criticism. They held a very traditional view of marriage and was appalled anyone might suggest altering such and the damage it can do. Of course that is a valid position. 

I do want to be clear that I am very much pro-marriage. Men and women should form a lasting bond and raise children in a loving home and I would in no way ever seek to disrupt that. However we have to face the reality that, in the modern world, not all couples fit in that mold. Their efforts to address needs desires and issues within their relationship should not be judged by those who may not approve of their private choices.  

A married couple faces many challenges not least of which is that one partner is a man and the other woman. Two different viewpoints on sex and relationships. Two different desires and limits. They must share a common purpose. When they fail to do so the relationship often ends. If there is a path to build trust, communication and meet the needs of both why should a couple not consider it?

One of my goals here it to present an honest look at cuck and not simply paint a rosy picture. So let's look at the dangers of cuck. Over the past 14 years I have be involved with a different couples. Each one was unique in views and desires. I've made my share of mistakes over time. Cuckolding takes work and if you’re not careful it can go very wrong.

The biggest issue I see with couples considering this is not understanding what cuckolding really is. Most men think cuckolding is a fetish. Cuckolding is not a fetish, it is a lifestyle alternative to traditional monogamy. Cuckolding is a female led relationship. It's not simple voyeurism watching your spouse in a sexual act with another. It is a relationship whereby the construct is the wife is dominant and the husband submissive and your bull is part of that relationship. 

This does not make the husband less than the bull, but the power dynamic is female dominant, male submissive and bull as the conduit. Anything else is not cuck. So if your fantasy is jacking off to your wife taking some guys cock you are seeking voyeurism not cuck.

The next issue is very one sided desires for cuck. I've been asked to "seduce" or convince one to try cuck. The problem is if you are only doing this to make the other happy, you are bound to regret it after. Eventually that wears on a person. This is usually based on miscommunication. Husband tells her about cuckolding. She’s not really in to it but doesn’t come right out and say so. Both are to blame here. This usually ends up with tears and a break-up or worse back to vanilla sex, silence and a massive wedge in the relationship.

Often a couple choses a bull for the wrong reasons. Is he good looking and has a nice cock, well that's close enough for some. Worse yet is when a couple chooses a bull based on race. A true bull must be an alpha male, but also must know how to consider both in a couple and take direction from the woman. An alpha male with no understanding of the role of bull will not care about your relationship or the two of you. When that happens things can go very wrong. 

If the woman is not in control and no one is protecting the relationship you are risking everything. What if alpha wants to make the husband cross a line? What if he wants to make the wife do something she’s not okay with? There are some guys who get off on breaking up marriages. Those aren't bulls, they are predators. Does it mean a wife can’t be sexually submissive in the moment? No. Of course she can. But that alpha male/bull is there to do what she desires and meet the needs of the couple all the while protecting the marriage bond. 

After play it's essential both love and respect each other. For some, but not all men, submission usually comes with many different combinations of other kinks and fetishes. Some men suck the alpha male’s cock or go down on her after the bull has ejaculated in her. No matter what you decide to do or try, it must also be a turn of for your partner. There are women that love watching their husband suck or dress a certain way, but not all. Make sure any submission is not a moment of disgust for the other.

I've had couples use or consider using ex lovers or boyfriends as a bull. BIG WARNING on that! This is usually a disaster. It's an easy way to start, you know the person and I get why it's tempting. But old lovers come with emotional baggage. I don’t care how much you think they don't, if you use an old lover for a bull in cuckolding you are asking for trouble. You should not have or have ever had feelings for your bull. If you do, that is your alarm to end it. 

The last danger I will address is a bit of a gray area as it varies from couple to couple. I have known couples who have limited intercourse to only the bull and the wife. Sexual pleasure is shared other ways with the couple. While this may work for some, I caution couples. It can leave a husband feeling left out unsatisfied and can lead to jealous anger. Healthy cuckolding is the inclusion of a bull in your sex life not the exclusion of the husband from it. I never replace a husband, I enhance what both share. No matter what role you desire for your bull, in order to maintain your bond as a couple you have to continue having a sexual connection or your intimacy level will drop and you will disconnect. 

As often stated, cuck is not for everyone and caution should be used if you think it might be for you. 


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