Say Hello To A Whole New World Of Sex
Though it’s gained more popularity in recent years, cuckolding is an age-old practice. And before you jump to branding this lifestyle as “crazy” or “weird”, I encourage you to take a step back and consider the level of trust and communication required to make this type of relationship work. It’s an intense bond that spills over into other aspects of the relationship when done correctly.
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut in a long-term relationship. The benefits of cuckolding can introduce both of you to new and exciting experiences. Instead of viewing badly acted porn, the man can watch the woman he loves receive pleasure in real time. In turn, she can also try new things that she can later experience with her partner. Often both learn different ways to turn each other on.
Because cuckolding pushes the boundaries of a traditional sexual relationship, it encourages both partners to be a lot less closed off to trying new things in bed. Being open-minded and honest about feelings and desires can help you break out of judgement cycles; things you may think are ‘weird’ or ‘too kinky’ may be things you actually end up enjoying in practice.
Having a partner who lets you be yourself can be nourishing. Someone who’s fulfilled sexually will often have confidence that shows up in all types of relationships, whether it’s work, friendships, family, or their relationship with themselves. Some guys like the fact that their ‘hot wife’ is desired by other men, and some women can find the fact that they’re desirable to other men extremely validating.
For those who embrace the practice of cuckolding, claiming your own sexuality and being comfortable enough in your own skin to actually explore new sexual boundaries can help not only strengthen your sex life, but foster your personal growth, too. Being in touch with who you are and what you want can also help you connect with the right partner, whereas repressing common, healthy sexual urges often results in infidelity, depression, and more. This doesn’t necessarily mean all sexual urges are healthy, but as long as both adults are consenting to a sexual act and nobody’s getting hurt it’s perfectly okay to diverge into new sexual exploration.
Quality communication is required to have a successful relationship in general, but it’s particularly important for couples who engage in cuckolding. With proper communication, cuckolding couples can build a solid foundation for the trajectory of their relationship. And having these sometimes uncomfortable conversations about one another’s true desires often means less infidelity, because each person in the relationship feels heard and satisfied with their partner.
How ones goes about exploring cuck is up to them. There are no restrictive rules. There’s several ways that cuckolding can happen. The man can watch her encounters via Skype or FaceTime, or he can arrange the ‘date’ for his partner and sit at home visualizing what she’s doing, hearing the details upon her return. Sometimes he’ll even help her get ready. Others may choose to watch or participate during or after sex with the bull. It’s different for every couple, and is all about doing what works best for you.
I stress all these benefits occur when a couple is open and honest and explore cuck in responsible manner with a qualified bull. You must know what you are and are not ready for.
I'd love to hear if you have any other benefits you have experienced from cuck.
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