From the Mailbag: Why would anyone enjoy this?

Q: I've been reading your posts and I go between fascination and disgust. I know people have all sorts of strange things they are into, but I don't understand why any self respecting person would want to share their spouse. I would not want my husband with another woman, nor would I ever want him see me even so much as flirt with a man. Can you explain why anyone would enjoy this?

A: Thanks for the question. Many people don't understand the attraction of cuckolding and that's fine. We just have to be careful not to judge those who do enjoy it. 

But let me answer your question on why some enjoy cuck. The answer can be found in a number of my posts, but for many people, cuck provides a space to explore their sexual desires in a new way and often in ways one could not experience in a typical M/F relationship. This opportunity to experience sexual pleasure together in a new way appeals to many couples. 

It provides a way to satisfy your spouse without having the entire responsibility, burden and pressure of achieving that. It also gives guys the visual simulation of witnessing their partner sexually active and seeing them in exciting ways. Often it is also a change in the usual roles. An escape if you will for a couple.  

Most cuckolding is done within a loving relationship with consenting partners and open communication. For those like yourself who don't know all that much about it, it remains taboo, so your reaction is typical. 

Yet, if you look at the numbers, this fetish really fascinates people. In fact, internet traffic shows that large numbers of people Google the word “cuckolding” on a daily basis. Furthermore, numerous porn sites have reported that “cuckold porn” is one of their most searched categories. So why many may not admit an interest, somehow you found this blog and here you are reading all about it.

While cuckolding may sound a little strange to you, some people insist it’s improved their intimacy with their partner greatly. Just like anything, it’s not for every couple. 


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