Separating Emotional Sex and Physical Sex

Sex with your spouse is, and should, be very different than sex with your bull. There is a an emotional connection that exists with couples. You have built a life together and all of that (the good and bad) gets in bed with you. Many people base sex on the emotional, you need to love the person.  The message teaches a good lesson about caring, respect, and treating others as equals. It provides the right direction for relationships. However, that approach changes with the addition of a bull. A bull is an addition to your larger relationship with your spouse and not a substitute for it.

Let's talk about the differences between sex with a spouse and a bull. One key rule I have is emotional feelings are not allow between me and a mans wife. Having feelings for someone is vital when establishing a long-term relationship for having a family and companionship.  This should be avoided with your bull and reserved only for your spouse. That does not mean you can't like your bull or care about his well being. However, romantic feelings lead to problems. The issue of feelings also brings in vulnerability, risk of being hurt, and a complex social interaction to develop them and support them. This is not a position a bull should be and I believe a bull should always protect the marriage relationship. That means ending any connection should any feelings develop between a bull and wife.

While you may "make love" to your spouse, the relationship with your bull should be based on having sex for physical enjoyment for all. He should push you both beyond your sexual norms and provide a very different and exciting experience. There is nothing wrong with a couple being friends with a bull outside the bedroom, but the sexual part should remain an uncomplicated experience free of emotional influence. 

I don't recommend people just have sex with random people for pure physical enjoyment. Cuck is a delicate balance that when done properly can enhance the emotional relationship of a couple while expanding their physical pleasure. 

The reoccurring issue I see with couples is the idea that bringing another into the sexual aspect of a relationship is somehow cheating. How you define what cheating is and is not, is up to you. Some definitions include a mere thought of someone else other than your spouse is cheating. Of course if one feels that way, none of this should be considered. This is why open, honest communication is vital before taking any actions.

A couple should be willing agree not hold anything that may happen with a sex partner against the other. They must agree that the addition of a sexual partner is not cheating as long boundaries are defined and respected and it must be something both are desiring to occur. 

Until a couple understands there are two types of sex, physical sex for enjoyment and emotional sex shared between two people who care about each other, a third sexual partner or bull should not be invited in. 


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