The Disappointing Bull

I have had countless conversations with couples over the years regarding cuck and by far the biggest challenge once a couple decides to try cuck is finding a good bull. I could share lots of stories of disappointments. While it's impossible to avoid all issues, if you take your time with the process those disappointments will happen during screening and not in the bedroom.

So what are the things that disappoint most couples?

The one I hear most is not being able to preform. A number of men who say they are bulls can't perform while being watched. So a husband wanting to view the sex act between the bull and his wife becomes an issue. If a guy is not comfortable taking a married woman in front of her husband, he has no business calling himself a bull.

Next is the all big talkers. They tell you what you want to hear and then don't show up. If they waste your time and only provide excuses move on. 

Some guys are too rough. While a bull should take control and many find even aggressive sex appealing, some go too far. Your bull should know your limits and respect those. He should also know your desires and deliver. 

False advertising. A guy who says he is 10 inches and shows up with 5 has lied to you and should be shown the door. He should be confident enough to be honest and if he knows how to use it, often less is more. The flip side of this is as a couple don't just seek out guys with an abnormally large penis. You will attract liars and rarely get what you ask for. 

Fast finish. Cumming too quickly is a common issue for new and inexperienced bulls. A bull should know how to pace himself but often the sheer excitement for a new bull will make it difficult. 

Most guys who will fail you can be spotted before you meet them in person and there are signs you can look for. If they constantly ask for explicit photos that's a red flag. It's proper to request a few pics to gauge physical attraction but if they want several or ask for more lewd photos, chances are you found a pic collector and not a bull.

If messages are short and consist of "hey" and "what's up?" They should be asking and answering questions in an effort to know you and what you are seeking. If they are not investing time in you at this stage, they will not be good a match in person. 

Believe it or not there are guys who pretend they are bulls and even guys who say they have experience who have no intention of ever meeting.  They just want to masturbate to a fantasy. They create the scene in their mind and count on you to provide the details for their own pleasure. Fantasy is fine, but one should be honest about if they seek real encounters or role play.

I've said before, I suggest couples avoid married bulls. Few if any married bulls do so with the consent and knowledge of their spouse which means lies are being told and relationships are in danger.  I don't like guys who lie about it or have to hide things. While it may be tough at first to figure out if a guys is honest about being single, most will know in time. 

Of course all these things can be adjusted to your own personal taste. Ultimately, a cuckold relationship involves the husband, wife, and the man brought into the bedroom. How you chose and who you choose is up to you. Just be safe about it an better informed you are and clear on what you do and don't want, the better your experience is bound to be.


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