From the Mailbag: Our First Group

 Q: This isn't exactly cuckold related, but I am hoping you can help. We are about to go into our first group sex encounter and wanted to know if you had any advice for us?

A: Without knowing your level of experience with other forms of sex my advice will be pretty general, but here it is: Decide ahead of time what your expectations and boundaries are. Not only what you are willing to do, but what your spouse is ready to witness. Be open to the desires of others, but also firm on your own limits. 

It's incredibly important to be safe. Protecting yourself and your partner are vital. Don't get carried away and let one experience effect the rest of your life. 

Communication is key. Make sure you give and get consent. Give yourself time to adjust. No need to do it all right away. I don't recommend excessive drinking or any drug use. It will cloud your abilities and judgement. Be open, but don't be afraid to say no. Don't be offended to hear no. 

Don't hide the fact that you are new. It's okay to be nervous and it's not good to simply act like a seasoned pro. Most people will understand, guide you and ease you into the experience. 

While being prepared is key, don't over think things. You can't plan out what everyone will do, so enjoy the free flow nature of it all. Part of the thrill of having group sex is getting back to one on one with your primary partner, and exciting one another with the memories of what you saw and did together. Just as in cuck, it is important to reconnect with the two of again after the fun. Hope that helps.


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