Guest Post: Views from a Cuckold Husband

While most of the views here are presented from my (The bull) perspective, I asked a cuckold husband to share his thoughts in the hopes some might find it helpful. His words are below:

I never dreamed I would be in such a position with my wife and while I would love to discuss it at times, there are few people you can open up to about such things. Many people have a very wrong idea of what cuck even is.

I live happily as a cuckold. We have been married for 17 years and intend to stay married. I have not had good sex with my wife for virtually our entire marriage. I am not good in bed, and suffer from premature ejaculation. Sex always terrified me; and sexual expectations are unbearable. Past sexual moments always ended in disappointment for both of us. We share physical touch, but sex for us now is very different.  To some all that might sound awful. To me it works perfectly. We love each other and are both satisfied.

When we first met our bull it was strictly conversation. Long online chats and emails. I didn't even use my real name at first. As we learned about what cuck can be and all the misconceptions fell away, it sparked an interest and the realization it might be a solution for us.

Getting up the nerve to meet someone face to face who knows intimate details of your life and who may have sex with your wife took some time. I always wondered if any of it was real. When we did finally meet he was kind, understanding, respectful. There was no sense of humiliation or the feeling he was just out to get my wife. He really considered both of us. Our desires and fears and how he could benefit our relationship. 

Part of me expected it to be humiliating. Knowing your wife is with another man and he provides what I can't can be a damaging blow to self esteem. However, for me, it is exciting. Her sexual satisfaction becomes my satisfaction. In a way I feel like I am pleasing her. My wife knows that and shares my sexual excitement. 

I could go on for hours about all we have been through. Over time we have developed our own set of rules and figured out what does and does not work for us. Respect is key and it must be shared by all. We don't keep secrets and are honest about what we do and don't like. Our relationship comes first. My wife does not belong to our bull. Our bull is part of our sex life. We always reconnect after sex and talk openly about things. 

The hardest part about cuck for me was finding the right person to allow into your marriage, your life, you relationship and your bed. I have found many bulls have similar issues finding the right couple. 

My advice for others would be to work out exactly what you both find a turn on and work with that. There are so many parts of this that work for some and not for others and being honest about it all is key.


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