An Honest Look At Cuckolding

Some might find the idea of watching their partner in bed with someone else as nightmarish, so unthinkable that the mere thought triggers intense jealousy. For others, it could be a total turn-on. Either way, you should know that cuckolding is actually a surprisingly common fetish, and there are many misconceptions about what it entails.

Basically, cuckolding involves someone getting aroused by observing their partner having sex with someone else.

Not to be confused with a threesome, in a cuckold situation, the cuck doesn’t always get directly in on the fun. Rather they draw enjoyment from the taboo act of surrendering their partner to another.

Cuckolding isn’t technically considered cheating as it doesn’t occur behind the partner’s back. in fact, not only has the cuck given permission to their partner to have sex with another person, they’re also typically encouraging it.

A recent survey showed that more than half of men and about a third of women had considered cuckolding. Keep in mind that just because they thought about their partner with someone else doesn’t necessarily mean they went through with acting on the fantasy. 

For some, it's a turn on knowing their partner is desired by others. One partner my have an insatiable sexual appetite that the other can’t fulfill, and so they seek help pleasing them. But for lots of people, the enjoyment that comes from cuckolding stems from the thrill of breaking conventional societal rules around monogamy and marriage. It's the taboo nature that is attractive. 

However, you will find an ongoing theme of caution in my posts. Very often, cuckolding works out better in fantasy than it does when it plays out in real life. Just because you enjoy the idea of your partner getting it on with someone else in front of you doesn’t mean you can actually handle it in real life or find the right person to make it happen.

Couples that have the most success tend to be married for awhile, older, with kids grown and out of the house, and the man was no longer sexually performing as he used to. It's critical for solid and trusting relationship.


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