Odd name. Huge turn on.

The odd word "cuckold" has evolved over the ages. It used to mean a guy who was unaware his spouse was cheating on him That has changed. Cuckolding can be enjoyed by couples of any sexual orientation, genders, and roles, and there's a wide spectrum of ways that the couple views the affairs with the third party. 

I hear from couples who want to safely explore cuckold without being judged or in some uncomfortable situation. While merely explore the fantasy of cuckold can be a huge turn on for many, the erotic scenario doesn't need to remain a fantasy. Most of the couples I deal with involve a guy who knows, enjoys, encourages and at times participates in his spouse taking another sexual partner. 

Believe it or not, cuckolding fantasies are actually much more common than you'd think. That's not to say you won't get horrified reactions from people. Yet before anyone brands this lifestyle a negative, I encourage you to take a step back and consider the level of trust and communication required to make this type of relationship work successfully. It’s an intense bond that spills over into other aspects of the relationship. 


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