One for the Bulls
Being a bull is no easy task and not for everyone. It comes with a big responsibility as you have a couples sex life and relationship at stake. Don't attempt to be a bull if you don't have experience. Start with threesomes and see how you do.
If you are just looking to fuck someone's wife, don't call yourself or attempt to be a bull because you will not be successful and can do a lot of damage. But if you want to learn something that could lead to a higher quality, more satisfying, and intimate sex life than chasing married women who have no idea what they want, then read on.
Being a bull means you are being invited into an existing marital relationship. Understand long before you came along, that the couple has already discussed what they want and don't want before reaching out to someone like you. So your first job is to find out exactly what they want and provide it if you can. It's not about what you want. You won't be a good match of every couple, so be honest. Understand being invited into a marriage as a 3rd party is a privilege. It is not easy to come by, and it is very easy to lose.
There is a more significant expectation in that lifestyle that people hook up very casually, In a cuck relationship, you must have a connection and open communication with both the husband and wife. So your responsibility is more significant to pay attention to how you may enhance the relationship.
No matter what you expect, you should be a complete gentleman at all times. I have not met a couple yet that is truly seeking a domineering asshole who thinks they are better than everyone else. Forget the humiliation garbage you see in porn. In fact forget everything you see in porn. It's not real.
Until you get some signal from the couple, you should NOT initiate anything sexual. Instead, wait for a sign or ask specific permission to proceed after you have a good understanding of the kind of experience the couple wants. There should be lots of talking and listening by everyone long before anything happens. Often nothing sexual happens on the first meeting. Even if things progress into the bedroom, you should go slowly and not overwhelm them. This is why I recommend long term connection over one time meetings.
A trusting relationship takes an investment of time by everyone and must be guided by the bull. Any true bull will put in the time and effort to get acquainted, learn likes and dislikes, and discussing common goals with the couple.
Like any relationship, learning the needs and desires of the other person is a process. As you learn the couple, and they learn you, the relationship becomes more comfortable, and the sex gets better and the willingness to go further in sexual exploration increases. It's a better experience for all.
Communication is the key to getting a clear picture of the desired relationship. There are many studies and theories on the motivations for the cuckold lifestyle and understanding the psychological side of cuck us very important to understanding your couple.. You may want to read up on why she wants to fuck someone else and why he wants her to do so. The better educated you are, the better your experience can be.
The most common connection is for the bull to become the sex partner for the wife. This can range from seeing him occasionally up to daily sexual encounters. Every couple has a different idea, and it’s essential to know their expectations. Will the husband be present? Will you see the wife alone? Will he watch or participate in any way? What are the limits and boundaries?
I would also say to be very clear on your time availability and your own comfort and experience level. So many tell lies and the truth will be found out at the most inconvenient time. No relationships ends well if it's based on lies, so be honest. DO NOT say your are single if you are not and be warned cheating on your spouse to be a "bull" has no place in cuck.
Many guys will try to tell a couple what they think they want to hear instead of being honest about what they can and cannot do. Keep in mind this is the fastest way to fail and drive good men and women out of the lifestyle. I've heard all the stories and the damage caused is always sad. You will never know the thrill of being a true bull if you drive women and couples out because of rookie mistakes.
As a bull, it’s essential to realize that you’re dealing with a married couple with real life beyond you. They have jobs, family, social life, perhaps children, etc. There will be times when play will need to be canceled or postponed because of the realities of life. Be understanding about these things, and never show up unannounced. Never cross into their personal life unless invited. Protecting their privacy and details of their sex life should be a sacred duty of any bull.
Play can range from MFM threesomes to the cuckold husband merely being present and watching. Others prefer that the husband is on the premises, but not necessarily in the same room, such as waiting in the living room or the guest bedroom, perhaps listening in, etc.
The cuck may be open to sexual contact with the bull and clean up after. If you are highly offended by male/male touching, make it clear before you ever engage. This gives the couple a chance to opt-out if they seek someone open to that. For many cucks, this is not bisexual interest. Instead, it is a form of erotic stimulation. To surrender to another man in this way is a huge trigger for many cucks and a big part of the pleasure they get from it.
Many couples enjoy the wife going out alone on “dates” with the Bull. It’s not uncommon for the husband to help the wife prepare for her dates, often helping her bathe, do her hair, shave her legs and pussy, pick out sexy clothes and help her dress.
However it plays out, never forget this is a married couple with a strong emotional bond. A huge amount of trust is placed in you to include a third person in their relationship. If you try to weaken their emotional bond, insecurities and jealousy will emerge and ruin everything. Never try to force yourself inside of the marital relationship.
However, the sexual bond is different. When it comes to sex, you want her to think of you. Your key to success is befriending her husband. He should know you are no threat to him. You are not there to take his wife from him, rather sexually please her for HIM. You and he are on the same team, and the husband is your greatest ally.
Being a bull and establishing a relationship with a couple takes a long time. It does not happen over night. I was not a good bull when I started. I went from threesomes to really learning the role of a good bull and that came with lots of mistake along the way. I would say it was a good 6 years before I would say I was starting to become an adequate bull. It requires deep self-knowledge, confidence, the ability to be completely honest and transparent, and being in tune with what a couple is thinking a feeling at every moment .
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