Short Term Vs. Long Term
I'm always looking for topic
ideas to share here. This one was suggested, so here is my insight on short and
long term bulls.
I personally avoid short term situations. There are a number of reasons for
that, but mainly I'm not looking to sleep with 100 people and I think it takes
time to really be comfortable and explore. The shortest time I've been involved
with a couple was 4 months. They were in my city temporarily for a work
assignment. The longest was 6 years. Average tends to be 3-4 years.
There are couples who want one night and then move on. Others want a deeper
connection and seek long term. There are pros and cons to both.
Let talk about long term first:
If you are a couple that desires to go bare and have the bull ejaculate inside
the wife, you must be sure that act is safe. That's often hard to do on a one
night stand. Having a long term bull that you trust makes that desire much
It does take time to know each other. Over time a bull will know what turns you
on (and off) and and can ever get you to reveal desires you may not even be
aware of yet. A long
term bull is invested in you and will respect rules and boundaries. The
bull will go out of his way to meet the desires of a couple.
You tend to feel safer with a long term bull. You know what to expect each time. It allows
you to discuss things are reach a much deeper level together.
Finally beyond the sex you build a trusting relationship. The best bulls are
the ones you can be with friends with, in a completely non sexual way. When
there is trust, you become closer and more intimate, he becomes a part of
the couple and everyone benefits.
As for the short term bulls....
Short term is not bad as long as you are cautious. It can even have
advantages over long term. If you seek a one time escape to be naughty and
don't want to invest in anything more this can work. It's pure slultty sex and
nothing more. You both move on after the thrill. I know many couples who
embrace cuck when on vacation only. It's not part of their everyday life. In
that case a bull for a night or week can be great.
If you are simply seeking more sexual experience, a short term bull can be
the answer. There is one way to become a better sexual partner and that's
experience. Learning and exploring with someone skilled can do wonders for the
sex life of a couple.
It really comes down to what you expectations and needs are. Just be
cautious in selecting any bull for sexual exploration.
If you have a topic suggestions let me know.
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