Being Safe in Adventures

The interest level in cuck and conversations I'm having about it have exploded. It can be a real challenge and at times a dangerous task  to turn fantasy into reality when it comes to new couples and at times even experienced couples.

The top concern for anyone has to be safety. Not only your personal safety, but your mental and physical health as well as those involved with you. I've given tips before, but I really want to focus on the topic of safety here.

It's important to be open and honest, but at the same time protect your identity and privacy. Once you build an established trust with someone you can loosen what you share, but only when comfortable. I always suggest creating an email exclusive for communications and meeting at a hotel for first meetings. Be careful giving out phone numbers, address, work information, etc. I hate hearing awful stories of bad experiences especially when most of them can be avoided.

If you have a bad feeling or some sort of concern DON'T ignore it. In fact bring it up. If someone reacts negatively to you voicing a concern, imagine what they might do if they get you in a more vulnerable position. That's not meant to scare you away from what can be an incredible sexual adventure. There are plenty of well intentioned, understanding and good people out there. It's the self centered sex fiends that ruin it for the rest and one bad experience can keep you from ever considering it again.

I personally never do anything unless I am sure everyone is comfortable and have no concerns. I'm perfectly fine with someone cancelling, backing out or leaving if they aren't comfortable. I will also walk away if I sense any reason to.  I learned long to not simply push feelings aside or ignore them. For me the worst situation would be if someone had regrets after or somehow felt pressured into doing something they did not want to do. 

Every aspect of a fantasy is controllable in your mind. That's not so once you cross into reality. So certain precautions are required. Don't put yourself in a dangerous situation. Be sure others are around if you need help when meeting someone new. Pay attention to one's tone in conversation. Is it erotic and flirty or is it more dark and devious? Look for those red flags.

Make sure expectations, rules, boundaries, desires and limits are clear, understood and not violated. 


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