The First Rule

There are a lot of different ideas of what cuck is/isn't and it can be different for people. For me there is one rule I live by:

Ensure any choice/action/experience and its corresponding outcome(s) strengthen existing marital bonds or create new ones.

A couple taking the step of including another in a sexual role within their marriage does need to ensure their health, safety and marital well-being, but if the rule is applied and adhered to, all of these elements can be accounted for without needlessly limiting themselves.

Couples will seek to navigate what’s healthy for them. Going beyond boundaries and exploring without harming the relationship. By asking the question: does the choice, activity, experience and/or outcome strengthen or weaken their marital bonds? Many pitfalls can be avoided. Cuck should never have regrets or do harm to the marriage bond.

Often a new direction or decision has different consequences, outcomes and benefits for one spouse compared to the other. The recommendation is to balance the overall benefit/risk as a couple rather than as an individual.

Going back to the rule is especially important when evaluating your bull or when evaluating as a couple how to expand their involvement with him. When evaluated against the rule of whether the practice or choice will truly negatively affect the relationship, decisions can be  more easily made. If it not desired by one, don't proceed.

Other helpful rules to follow...

Decide how far to go

Every cuckold marriage is different. Some go all the way and have sex with another man. For others it’s flirting and kissing… and maybe oral sex.

The limit is incredibly important to establish for both partners. Both spouses must discuss how far they’re willing to go. This avoids any confusion and complications down the line.

Be sure to be on the same page and don’t pressure anyone to do anything. Respecting boundaries is very, very important in a healthy cuckold marriage.

Mutual decision on bulls

In general, both couples should approve someone. This means no dates, no kissing, no flirting, and definitely no sex unless both spouses explicitly agree to this.

Stop when the emotions get very high

With cuckolding, emotions can run very high. This is especially true when all the endorphins and adrenaline are running through your body. For the guy, sometimes cuckolding can take a toll on them. Of course, they know their wife loves them, but it fantasy can become “too real”. There is nothing wrong with taking a break to explore feelings.

No judgment

No one can help what they like (or don’t like). Don’t try to overly force something. Both partners should be ready to try something at least once. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, but at least you tried it!

Be discreet

Some of my best stories I can never tell. As much as you may want to tell someone about the incredible sexual experiences you are having, make sure your sex life remains private and only share details with those you trust to keep it to themselves. Your sex life should remain private and you only share what you want to. For most people this is an escape from life and not their everyday open practice. 


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