From the Mailbag: Cuckoldress or Hotwife?

Q: Can you explain the difference between a Cuckoldress and Hotwife?

Thanks for the question. There is a lot of terms used in the lifestyle community and often different words have different meanings to people. I personally don't dwell on definitions too much unless it creates a communication issue.

Some say the difference is that a Cuckoldress humiliates the husband whereas a Hotwifing does not, some say the opposite. Yet others say a Hotwife chooses her partners but a Cuckoldress has her partners chosen by her husband. So the definition really depends on what the person using the term thinks it means.  

I don't often use the term Cuckoldress. I prefer Hotwife no matter the actual role. The lifestyle is all about finding out what works best for you. No rule book, no restrictions. So what terms you use are really up to you as is the type of cuckolding that you prefer.



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