To Watch or Not

I'm often asked by new couples my thoughts on a husband being present and watching the sexual encounter between his wife and a bull. Ultimately it's up to the couple and what they think they can handle, but let me share some thoughts to help make the decision.

I personally prefer the husband to be there so long as there is enjoyment in the experience. I also feel it's good for the couple to be connected during sex even if it's only eye contact. However, there is much to consider.

First not all women want to be watched. There are a number of reasons for this but unless everyone is comfortable, the experience will be harmed. 

Not all guys (especially newbies) can handle the reality of it all. They are in full control of the fantasy in their mind. That's not so when they see a bull take control.

Watching is erotic, intense, and can be a fantasy come true. It also can be humbling, a blow to the ego, and may stir up negative feelings of hurt, confusion and inadequacy. 

Not all bulls liked being watched. I tend to think it's essential for a bull to be open to the desires of a couple, including watching, but not all agree, I have know some who can't preform being watched, If that's the case, you may want to find a new bull. 

I suggest couples try watching when they are ready and leave it open that a husband can exit at any point. When it all works it is a rush for all. There is a deep connection between a couple once they share the experience in that way. Cuckold is meant to be shared by a couple, so any way you can do that I would encourage. 



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