The Black Bull Truth

I get the black/white question often and whatever you chose is up to you. I don't think choosing a bull should be based on skin color. At the same time, much of the interracial allure tends to come from misinformation and the myth the black men are better endowed than white men. Some are, some aren't. 

Recently a couple shared with me their general experience with black men. It seemed a few could not get fully erect. So while they may have been larger, the ability to use that extra length was impacted. Their question was why?

40% of men over 40 have ED issues. That number jumps to 70% after age 70. 

African-American men are more likely than men of other races to experience ED. ED’s underlying causes include cardiovascular disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol. All generally greater issues for black men.

Many cuckold couples often have unrealistic expectations, pressuring the Bull to perform on demand or wanting him to get an erection and keep it for extended periods. That can be impossible for some men.

I work hard to keep myself in shape for any couple I see. I don't smoke. Smoking can cause ED issues as young as 30. 

Eating fewer fatty foods; shedding a few pounds; staying active; and avoiding excessive alcohol, weed and other substances can improve sexual performance.

If you are dealing with an inexperienced bull, there may be psychological causes for ED.  Performance anxiety, body image issues, lack of confidence and lack of experience can all be factors.

To the bulls, keep yourself healthy and be well educated on the role of a bull. To the couples, just because he says he has 9 inches doesn't mean he can use it.


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